A Spiritual View

Are you ready to celebrate the birth of Christ? If your first response is mild stress over the tasks that need to be done before December 25, think again: What if the question is about being rather than doing?

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Rev. Dr. Jennie A. Harrop
Phenotypic Plasticity

Are you ready to celebrate the birth of Christ? If your first response is mild stress over the tasks that need to be done before December 25, think again: What if the question is about being rather than doing?

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Rev. Dr. Jennie A. Harrop
A Curious Convergence

Are you ready to celebrate the birth of Christ? If your first response is mild stress over the tasks that need to be done before December 25, think again: What if the question is about being rather than doing?

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Rev. Dr. Jennie A. Harrop
Spy Animals

Are you ready to celebrate the birth of Christ? If your first response is mild stress over the tasks that need to be done before December 25, think again: What if the question is about being rather than doing?

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Rev. Dr. Jennie A. Harrop

Are you ready to celebrate the birth of Christ? If your first response is mild stress over the tasks that need to be done before December 25, think again: What if the question is about being rather than doing?

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Rev. Dr. Jennie A. Harrop
Just Living Life

Are you ready to celebrate the birth of Christ? If your first response is mild stress over the tasks that need to be done before December 25, think again: What if the question is about being rather than doing?

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Rev. Dr. Jennie A. Harrop
Who Can Fear?

Are you ready to celebrate the birth of Christ? If your first response is mild stress over the tasks that need to be done before December 25, think again: What if the question is about being rather than doing?

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Rev. Dr. Jennie A. Harrop
Understanding Mark

Are you ready to celebrate the birth of Christ? If your first response is mild stress over the tasks that need to be done before December 25, think again: What if the question is about being rather than doing?

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Rev. Dr. Jennie A. Harrop
The Carol of the Drum

Are you ready to celebrate the birth of Christ? If your first response is mild stress over the tasks that need to be done before December 25, think again: What if the question is about being rather than doing?

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Rev. Dr. Jennie A. Harrop
Love Came Down

Are you ready to celebrate the birth of Christ? If your first response is mild stress over the tasks that need to be done before December 25, think again: What if the question is about being rather than doing?

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Rev. Dr. Jennie A. Harrop
Time to Celebrate

Are you ready to celebrate the birth of Christ? If your first response is mild stress over the tasks that need to be done before December 25, think again: What if the question is about being rather than doing?

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Rev. Dr. Jennie A. Harrop
Flower of the Holy Night

According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, poinsettias are perennial shrubs that were once considered weeds in their native region of southern Mexico. Flowering in the winter season, the bushes can grow 10 to 15 feet tall in the wild, and the Aztecs used their colorful leaves to make reddish-purple dye for fabrics and their sap as a medicine to control fevers.

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Rev. Dr. Jennie A. Harrop
Green Beans & Thanksgiving

Dorcas Reilly was one of the first full-time employees in Campbell Soup Company's Home Economics Department in Camden, Jew Jersey, in the 1950s when she experimented with green beans and Campbell's cream of mushroom soup. Her creation? "Green Bean Bake."

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Rev. Dr. Jennie A. Harrop
A Time to Dance

I am sitting in a second-floor open-air room in the Presbyterian Education Board (PEB) compound in Lahore, Pakistan, listening to the clatter of silverware as people scurry about setting tables in preparation for a 25th-anniversary party this evening. Chicken is roasting on giant grills across the plaza, and two mosques on either side of the compound have started their adhan chants for afternoon prayer. 

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Rev. Dr. Jennie A. Harrop
To Ease One Life

As you prayerfully consider the Cedar Creek pledge cards that were mailed out earlier this month, what will you give to help our congregation encourage the surrounding community to experience the freedom, deep peace, and enduring love of Jesus Christ? How can we be a church that empowers our communities to not just survive but thrive?

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Rev. Dr. Jennie A. Harrop
Lighter Than Air

For one company in South Yorkshire, innovation is about sustainability, clean energy, and microgrid technology. The Airlander 10 is a spacious airship filled with helium, which is more expensive and less buoyant than hydrogen, but also less flammable and therefore far safer than the old-time blimps most of us envision.

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Rev. Dr. Jennie A. Harrop
The Myth of Whiteness

What comes to mind when you imagine ancient Greek and Roman statues? White marble figures with sightless eyes and flowing robes? After all, that is what we see in standard textbooks and museums worldwide. And it is simply not true.

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Rev. Dr. Jennie A. Harrop